Tuesday, September 13

comic drunk

first comic for matt rota's sequential arts class.
its a little confusing, but it's my first real try at comics, hopefully the next one will be better!
ahh enjoy.

click to enlarge yeah?


long time no see. updates.

here's a terrifying self-portrait.

that's what i looked like this summer.
also here's my first print for robert tilman's intaglio/relief survey.
unfortunately it's like an inch too big for the scanner, but ill get a photo of it, in it's entirety up asap.

you should be able to click on them for a bigger image.

Friday, June 24

vend send mend

hey this is a piece i did for vend.send.mend
vend send mend is a show about vending machines
theyre trying to raise $8000 for doctors without borders in japan! cool stuff!

some stuff!

i hope everything is going alright on your end of the internet, her are some things i made.
self portraits.
happy friday.

Thursday, May 26

some sketches

i have some finals i need to document and throw up here, but in the meantime, enjoy these sketches. !! hooray.

Thursday, May 5

new illustration stuff

some finals for illustration 2! hooray.
the first image is technically not a final. its a piece we did based on someone else in the class's embarrassing story. the last two are my final. it was a "do whatever you want" sort of deal, so thats what i did.


click to enlarge of course.
so i guess im done with sophomore year.

Thursday, March 31

to make up for not having posted in a while

im posting again within a matter of minutes!


heres something that i did because i thought it would be fun.
a trans-dimentional ghost woman?
im not really sure, but i like it.

this was done with graphite and colored pencil on vellum.
this is probably hipster art.
im okay with that?

you may recognize the lower half of the body on this one.
that is because i jacked it from this drawing that i posted earlier on this blog.
not all of the toes are visible. or i just didnt want to draw them. who knows.

happy thursday.


was the most recent project for illustration 2.

i did some screen prints and also
a digital collage :)

clicking makes bigger.

so i did a few prints of the first one and the final one is the one i turned in but i liked the other ones too
and i scanned those two together and thought they looked nice next to each other so thats why that.

im pretty happy with how the last one turned out.

i also did a horrible watercolor which i have judiciously decided not to put up here.

Monday, March 7


we are using materials and subject matter we fear in illustration. so ive got watercolor!
mostly i think its the color that scares me.

first, paul bunyan, my favorite american folk hero. the illustration has been cropped and trust me it looks better than the original.

second, self-portrait! thats what i look like, i guess. if i was made out of watercolored paper.

click to make big!
 also heres a collage!

more collage.

it never ends.
we are working with an alice in wonderland theme! hooray!
so we made a collage illustration of a scene or idea that we had in mind, relating to the story.
then we made a page of text to work on a page opposite the illustration.
heres what i've got.

this combo is the one i think ill stick with, but there are two other type pages im  thinking about

as usual click to enlarge.
im not too sure about the first type page afterall.. somehow it ended up looking like a weird pacsun ad?

Wednesday, March 2

Wednesday, February 16

it is a lovely day

and i think maybe i have wasted it.
friday i do not have class so i will spend my day frolicking. through the streets.
because we do not have fields of flowers in baltimore.
but we have sunnnnnn :)

babies and silent film stars

i love the computer lab. you never know what you will overhear.
more collage. playing with vellum which i love, it is sooo yummy :)

click to enlarge as per usual.

Sunday, February 13

killer nuns

parents and family weekend at mica has been sunny and warm and beautiful
it will probably be cruddy when my parents come :(
so in illustration we are doing well THATS not what i expected: TAKE TWO.
i illustrated some killer nuns.

first is my sketch, then the final, inked. then another sketchbook spread! in technicolor! boo i couldnt finish either because the first one was supposed to be 10 minutes and felt like 5 and the second one she had to quit early because it was making her dizzy or something. also she was sick, so that may have had something to do with it..
i like them any way!
more color soon?
stay tuned!
happy sun-day.

Wednesday, February 9

also t shirts

is this a horrible photo? yes. anyway i made some t-shirts. they are a really weird green color because i died them and i wasnt really paying attention to what i was doing.
i am wearing a mens small in this photo. im gonna keep this one i think
i have (without this one) 2 mens small, 2 mens medium, and 2 mens large.
all weird, all green, all varying quality.

maybe i will find buyers for these next year at art market?

this is a page from my anatomy notes, also a drawing i did of a guy ahead of me in anatomy and a drawing i did in open studio life drawing on fridays and some drawings of organelles. im too lazy to draw all of people lately, so i just make things up. mouthsareharddontjudge. as always click to enLARGE.


okay dokay.
i didnt post at all last week. i meant to, i promise.
i have a lot of collages, if you want to see them, yes?
here goes.

just some random collages. my teacher really likes that last one but im pretty apathetic towards it.
the next two are a collage i did in class and a drawing (?) that was out of class and was supposed to be inspired by a collage we did.
the pink is way more hot in real irl, so please pretend it is, please.

Saturday, January 29

what am i doing with my life?

drawing naked people and penises.
sounds VERY productive.

another figure drawing from last semester, this time a homework assignment.
based off the poem "pity this busy monster manunkind" by edward estlin cummings
linky-linky READ ME.

also the sketch for my first illustration two assignment 'well THAT'S not what i expected'.
theres a blog for my class look at it here, if you wanna.

as per usual. clicktoenLARGE.
anyway. i think thats all for now.
hope y'all are having a great night.
happy saturday.

Thursday, January 27

oh its naked time. for sure.

so im busy busy busy this week getting ready for all the busy-ness next week (guest, poetry thing, dc=more poetry) and im trying to keep things spaced out so that i dont overheat, or explode.
a.k.a. i still want to get normal human sleep hours.

anyway, competitive scholarship stuffff is due on tuesday so i have been trying really hard to be professional and photograph things so that they look nice.

so far i have photographed some figure drawings from last semester. so. since i have that stuff, that is what you are going to get today!

im probably gonna submit these and also some of the illustrations that have been posted on this blog previously.

i did all of these drawing in class in michael hindle's life drawing. he's a pretty interesting guy so i would reccommend his class for that reason.
also he really knows anatomy stuff. like bones and muscles and things.
i guess thats what anatomy is right?
anyway i really like the drawings so i think they're gonna make it in :)
hopefully they'll win me some moneh too!

on an unrelated note: MICA's history book is coming out tomorrow? im interested. maybe ill buy it and ill write about it or something. could be really cool. also fred lazarus t-shirts???? i want.

i think thats it for now.
happy thursday.

Tuesday, January 25

as i lay me down to sleep.

so silkscreening. piper shepard. good times. our first assignment is to make two prints. on should feature back to back repeats, one should feature brick or half drop repeats, both should feature two colors.
here are my designs thus far.

click to enlarge. if you want
the designs are based on the bed time prayer "as i lay me down to sleep, i pray the lord my soul to keep.. etcetc."

and i was thinking i would print them on bed sheets in blues :) also the fitted sheer would have the text of the prayer on them.
ahahaha isnt that witty.

im thinking about printing ts too!
more images once the hooplah has commenced!